

دانلود کتاب Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment by Stephanie Seneff

Named a “Best Book of the Year” by Kirkus Reviews

“Toxic Legacy will stand shoulder to shoulder with Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. [This is] unquestionably, one of the most important books of our time.”—David Perlmutter, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain and Brain Wash

“Urgent and eye-opening, the book serves as a loud-and-clear alarm.”—The Boston Globe

From an MIT scientist, mounting evidence that the active ingredient in the world’s most commonly used weedkiller is contributing to skyrocketing rates of chronic disease

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the most commonly used weedkiller in the world. Nearly 300 million pounds of glyphosate-based herbicide are sprayed on farms—and food—every year.

Agrochemical companies claim that glyphosate is safe for humans, animals, and the environment. But emerging scientific research on glyphosate’s deadly disruption of the gut microbiome, its crippling effect on protein synthesis, and its impact on the body’s ability to use and transport sulfur—not to mention several landmark legal cases— tells a very different story.


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Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment by Stephanie Seneff

نویسنده: Stephanie Seneff

Named a “Best Book of the Year” by Kirkus Reviews

“Toxic Legacy will stand shoulder to shoulder with Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring. [This is] unquestionably, one of the most important books of our time.”—David Perlmutter, MD, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Grain Brain and Brain Wash

“Urgent and eye-opening, the book serves as a loud-and-clear alarm.”—The Boston Globe

From an MIT scientist, mounting evidence that the active ingredient in the world’s most commonly used weedkiller is contributing to skyrocketing rates of chronic disease

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, the most commonly used weedkiller in the world. Nearly 300 million pounds of glyphosate-based herbicide are sprayed on farms—and food—every year.

Agrochemical companies claim that glyphosate is safe for humans, animals, and the environment. But emerging scientific research on glyphosate’s deadly disruption of the gut microbiome, its crippling effect on protein synthesis, and its impact on the body’s ability to use and transport sulfur—not to mention several landmark legal cases— tells a very different story.

In Toxic Legacy, senior research scientist Stephanie Seneff, PhD, delivers compelling evidence based on countless published, peer-reviewed studies—all in frank, illuminating, and always accessible language.

Throughout Toxic Legacy readers will discover:

The uniquely toxic nature of glyphosate

How glyphosate disrupts the microbiome, leading to gut dysbiosis, autoimmunity, neurodegeneration, and more

Why we’re seeing a rise in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, infertility, depression, and anxiety

Glyphosate’s role in soil degeneration, water contamination, and threats to wildlife and biodiversity

Important nutritional guidance for conscientious consumers who want to avoid glyphosate-contaminated foods and improve their health


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Stephanie Seneff





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دانلود کتاب Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment by Stephanie Seneff



Stephanie Seneff





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