

دانلود کتاب HBR’s 10 Must Reads 2015: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (with bonus McKinsey Award Winning article “The Focused Leader”) (HBR’s 10 Must Reads) by Harvard Business Review

A year’s worth of management wisdom, all in one place.

We’ve combed through ideas, insights, and best practices from the past year of Harvard Business Review to help you get up to speed fast on the freshest, most relevant thinking driving business today. With authors from Clayton Christensen to Roger Martin and company examples from Netflix to Unilever, this volume brings the most current and important management conversations to your fingertips.

This book will inspire you to:

Lead by focusing your attention on the right things
Import new management practices into your organization the right way—whether they come from other companies or across the globe
Better manage your organization’s—and your leaders’—time
Rethink vital functions such as HR and marketing


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HBR’s 10 Must Reads 2015: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (with bonus McKinsey Award Winning article “The Focused Leader”) (HBR’s 10 Must Reads) by Harvard Business Review

نویسندگان: Harvard Business Review

A year’s worth of management wisdom, all in one place.

We’ve combed through ideas, insights, and best practices from the past year of Harvard Business Review to help you get up to speed fast on the freshest, most relevant thinking driving business today. With authors from Clayton Christensen to Roger Martin and company examples from Netflix to Unilever, this volume brings the most current and important management conversations to your fingertips.

This book will inspire you to:

Lead by focusing your attention on the right things
Import new management practices into your organization the right way—whether they come from other companies or across the globe
Better manage your organization’s—and your leaders’—time
Rethink vital functions such as HR and marketing
Move from a yearly planning cycle to building a winning strategy
Make long-term organizational decisions with an eye to national and global economic trends
This collection of best-selling articles includes:

“Beware the Next Big Thing,” by Julian Birkinshaw
”The Capitalist’s Dilemma,” by Clayton M. Christensen and Derek Van Bever
“The Focused Leader,” by Daniel Goleman
“The Big Lie of Strategic Planning,” by Roger L. Martin
“Contextual Intelligence,” by Tarun Khanna
“How Netflix Reinvented HR,” by Patty McCord
“Blue Ocean Leadership,” by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne
“The Ultimate Marketing Machine,” by Marc de Swaan Arons, Frank van den Driest, and Keith Weed
“Your Scarcest Resource,” by Michael Mankins, Chris Brahm, and Gregory Caimi
“How Google Sold Its Engineers on Management,” by David A. Garvin
“۲۱st-Century Talent Spotting,” by Claudio Fernández-Aráoz


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Harvard Business Review





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دانلود کتاب HBR’s 10 Must Reads 2015: The Definitive Management Ideas of the Year from Harvard Business Review (with bonus McKinsey Award Winning article “The Focused Leader”) (HBR’s 10 Must Reads) by Harvard Business Review



Harvard Business Review





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