

دانلود کتاب Price Action Trading Secrets: Trading Strategies, Tools, and Techniques to Help You Become a Consistently Profitable Trader by Rayner Teo

Discover proven trading strategies, tools, and techniques to help you become a consistently profitable trader.
Price action trading is a method to read the “secret language” of the markets, so you can use it to better time your entries and exits—without relying on indicators, news, or signal services.
And in Price Action Trading Secrets, you’ll discover the trading strategies, tools, and techniques to help you beat the markets.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

How to become a consistently profitable trader without relying on fundamentals news, trading indicators, or signal services
The ten natural laws of trading that nobody tells you (this is why 95% of traders lose consistently)
The four types of market structure every professional trader must know. Once you discover it, you’ll know exactly what “tricks” the market is up to—and how you can exploit it to your advantage
How to tell when Support & Resistance is about to break—so you don’t get caught on the wrong side of the move (which means you’ll reduce your losses and retain more profits)
The secret to reading candlestick patterns that nobody tells you—so you can better time your entries & exits—and even “predict” market turning points


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دانلود کتاب:

Price Action Trading Secrets: Trading Strategies, Tools, and Techniques to Help You Become a Consistently Profitable Trader by Rayner Teo

نویسنده: Rayner Teo

Discover proven trading strategies, tools, and techniques to help you become a consistently profitable trader.
Price action trading is a method to read the “secret language” of the markets, so you can use it to better time your entries and exits—without relying on indicators, news, or signal services.
And in Price Action Trading Secrets, you’ll discover the trading strategies, tools, and techniques to help you beat the markets.

Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

How to become a consistently profitable trader without relying on fundamentals news, trading indicators, or signal services
The ten natural laws of trading that nobody tells you (this is why 95% of traders lose consistently)
The four types of market structure every professional trader must know. Once you discover it, you’ll know exactly what “tricks” the market is up to—and how you can exploit it to your advantage
How to tell when Support & Resistance is about to break—so you don’t get caught on the wrong side of the move (which means you’ll reduce your losses and retain more profits)
The secret to reading candlestick patterns that nobody tells you—so you can better time your entries & exits—and even “predict” market turning points
MAEE Formula: A simple trading strategy to profit in bull & bear markets—without indicators
An important signal the market gives out when it’s about to make a big move (95% of traders don’t know this)
۷۰+ charts and examples so you can easily understand the trading strategies and concepts (and quickly become a master price action trader)
And much more…

It doesn’t matter if you know nothing about price action trading because this book is written in a layman, step-by-step manner.


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Rayner Teo





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دانلود کتاب Price Action Trading Secrets: Trading Strategies, Tools, and Techniques to Help You Become a Consistently Profitable Trader by Rayner Teo



Rayner Teo





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