

دانلود کتاب Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices: Optimize Java Persistence Performance in Spring Boot Applications by Anghel Leonard

This book is a collection of developer code recipes and best practices for persisting data using Spring, particularly Spring Boot. The book is structured around practical recipes, where each recipe discusses a performance case or performance-related case, and almost every recipe has one or more applications. Mainly, when we try to accomplish something (e.g., read some data from the database), there are several approaches to do it, and, in order to choose the best way, you have to know the implied trades-off from a performance perspective. You’ll see that in the end, all these penalties slow down the application. Besides presenting the arguments that favor a certain choice, the application is written in Spring Boot style which is quite different than plain Hibernate.

Persistence is an important set of techniques and technologies for accessing and using data, and this book demonstrates that data is mobile regardless of specific applications and contexts. In Java development, persistence is a key factor in enterprise, ecommerce, cloud and other transaction-oriented applications.

After reading and using this book, you’ll have the fundamentals to apply these persistence solutions into your own mission-critical enterprise Java applications that you build using Spring.


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Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices: Optimize Java Persistence Performance in Spring Boot Applications by Anghel Leonard

نویسنده: Anghel Leonard

This book is a collection of developer code recipes and best practices for persisting data using Spring, particularly Spring Boot. The book is structured around practical recipes, where each recipe discusses a performance case or performance-related case, and almost every recipe has one or more applications. Mainly, when we try to accomplish something (e.g., read some data from the database), there are several approaches to do it, and, in order to choose the best way, you have to know the implied trades-off from a performance perspective. You’ll see that in the end, all these penalties slow down the application. Besides presenting the arguments that favor a certain choice, the application is written in Spring Boot style which is quite different than plain Hibernate.

Persistence is an important set of techniques and technologies for accessing and using data, and this book demonstrates that data is mobile regardless of specific applications and contexts. In Java development, persistence is a key factor in enterprise, ecommerce, cloud and other transaction-oriented applications.

After reading and using this book, you’ll have the fundamentals to apply these persistence solutions into your own mission-critical enterprise Java applications that you build using Spring.

What You Will Learn

Shape *-to-many associations for best performances
Effectively exploit Spring Projections (DTO)
Learn best practices for batching inserts, updates and deletes
Effectively fetch parent and association in a single SELECT
Learn how to inspect Persistent Context content
Dissect pagination techniques (offset and keyset)
Handle queries, locking, schemas, Hibernate types, and more

Who This Book Is For

Any Spring and Spring Boot developer that wants to squeeze the persistence layer performances.


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Anghel Leonard





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دانلود کتاب Spring Boot Persistence Best Practices: Optimize Java Persistence Performance in Spring Boot Applications by Anghel Leonard



Anghel Leonard





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