

دانلود کتاب The Complete Guide to Astrology: Understanding Yourself, Your Signs, and Your Birth Chart by Louise Edington

An essential guide to astrology for both beginner and advanced practitioners

Astrology has been used for thousands of years to help predict events, understand the meaning of life, and communicate more effectively with other people. Whether you’re new to the field or have long been looking to astrology for answers, The Complete Guide to Astrology will help you unlock the wisdom of the stars.

Start with the basic elements of astrology like the signs, modalities, and houses. Then, learn how to structure, interpret, and take a closer look at your birth chart. From there, detailed charts give you further insight into how to live up to your highest potential at work and in relationships.


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The Complete Guide to Astrology: Understanding Yourself, Your Signs, and Your Birth Chart by Louise Edington

نویسنده: Louise Edington

An essential guide to astrology for both beginner and advanced practitioners

Astrology has been used for thousands of years to help predict events, understand the meaning of life, and communicate more effectively with other people. Whether you’re new to the field or have long been looking to astrology for answers, The Complete Guide to Astrology will help you unlock the wisdom of the stars.

Start with the basic elements of astrology like the signs, modalities, and houses. Then, learn how to structure, interpret, and take a closer look at your birth chart. From there, detailed charts give you further insight into how to live up to your highest potential at work and in relationships.

This astrology book includes:

Intro to astrology―Learn the foundations of astrology, including its historical origins and its context in modern society.
More than sun signs―Explore more complex astrological associations, including nodes, moon signs, the influences of planets, and more.
Inclusive approach―Discover a non-binary approach to astrological concepts that helps make the wisdom of the cosmos accessible to everyone.
Better understand how your stars align with The Complete Guide to Astrology.

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Goodreads users review :

Intriguing and interesting, also nice for educational purposes. Will definitely be using at different times. Loved learning about numerology. Something I was not at all familiar with prior to this book. Highly recommend to those interested in learning about numerology or those who even know a ton! Will make sure to buzz it up on all the different platforms. Johnna Whetstone                                                                                   rated it: 5.0 from 5.0

Tremendously helpful book Astrology had always fascinated me, but it also seemed so complex that I’d resigned myself just to looking at weekly horoscopes. This book does a phenomenal job of walking through most major astrology concepts, especially as they connect to your birth chart, and does so in an easily understood way. Very helpful to anyone who wants to delve deeper into astrology. Bill PhD                                                                                                  rated it: 5.0 from 5.0

A great book for beginners! Very comprehensive and overall a great read! If you’re just getting into astrology and want a book that will help explain your birth chart, I highly recommend. This book gives you all the tools to help you start unpacking your chart. Sami Dye                                                                                                rated it: 5.0 from 5.0



Louise Edington







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دانلود کتاب The Complete Guide to Astrology: Understanding Yourself, Your Signs, and Your Birth Chart by Louise Edington



Louise Edington







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