

دانلود کتاب Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life by Bob Proctor

When you’re doing something that’s out of the ordinary, your mental programing, your paradigm, will try and stop you. If you want to win, you must keep going. Your paradigms may be masked in complacency, fear, worry, anxiety, insecurities, self-doubt, mental hurry and self-loathing―the result is keeping you STUCK….locked in a box and starved of your dreams and ambitions.

To change your life―you MUST change your paradigm. The change is not easy, but it’s worth it, and the results are lasting. Bob Proctor will show you his proven methods for doing so. This book will synthesize his decades of study, application, and teaching to:
Explain what paradigms are and how they guide every move you make
Teach you how to identify your paradigms
Show you how to make your own Paradigm Shift
Help you transform your finances, health and lifestyle when you change your paradigm
Guide you on how to replace a paradigm that doesn’t serve you well with a new one that frees you to create the life you really want


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Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life by Bob Proctor

نویسنده: Bob Proctor

When you’re doing something that’s out of the ordinary, your mental programing, your paradigm, will try and stop you. If you want to win, you must keep going. Your paradigms may be masked in complacency, fear, worry, anxiety, insecurities, self-doubt, mental hurry and self-loathing―the result is keeping you STUCK….locked in a box and starved of your dreams and ambitions.

To change your life―you MUST change your paradigm. The change is not easy, but it’s worth it, and the results are lasting. Bob Proctor will show you his proven methods for doing so. This book will synthesize his decades of study, application, and teaching to:
Explain what paradigms are and how they guide every move you make
Teach you how to identify your paradigms
Show you how to make your own Paradigm Shift
Help you transform your finances, health and lifestyle when you change your paradigm
Guide you on how to replace a paradigm that doesn’t serve you well with a new one that frees you to create the life you really want

Bob will break through the myth many people have about success―that long hours and hard work are sufficient to achieve lasting success. Because without changing your paradigm, no amount of hard work and long work hours will make a measurable, lasting difference in your success.

Once you go through Bob Proctor’s Paradigm Shift Process, you will expose yourself to a brand new world of power, possibility and promise.

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Bob Proctor





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دانلود کتاب Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life by Bob Proctor



Bob Proctor





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